Kamis, 26 April 2012

"Love Is"

Love is when someone talk about you, you just smile. Love is when your mum said that there are a boy looked for you, you would regret bcz you didn't open the door at that moment. Love is when someone judge you for anything, you just cry on your boy's shoulder. Love is when your father said that you're too much ugly, your boy said that you are the most beautiful girl in the world. Love is why you waited for someone because unreasonable things. Love is when you've your exam, you only think of him. No matter how hard the questions in the exam were. Love is when you stop loving, you cry until your eyes seem like the frog's eyes. Love is when you feel it, you.....smile like an insane girl. Love is when you lost it, you only thought that it was a best fault.

Now, we know. Love is simple.