Jumat, 27 Januari 2012

"You can see what I did, but I know that I'm happy!"

"Every time, I stay alone here. So bored, but I still want to be good."

"I just need some bestfriend! No enemies, and no worries!"

"Berendam di bath up emang enak, tapi enakan dicintai sama kamu."
"Oh...I miss my Excel so badly! Tuhan, aku mau dia ada di samping aku secepatnya!"
"Mumpung masih muda, kata mamah: Tolong jangan lakukan apa yang mamah lakukan di masa lalu."
"Excel has just told me about what he feels there. I'm so glad, but he's bad there... I can't help him!"
"I want, but I can't dream. Where's dream? Take me anywhere!"
"Sorry if I've made you so bored. I don't want it happen! I try to make you happy, but even till now, 
I still have not made it happen!"

"Being sick because I'm never able to hold you, touch you, kiss you, and hug you... I can just see you from a distance!"

"I can see you, but I can't hold you."
"I miss you so badly!" 

Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

"Almost every day I feel the sadness. I can't stop! I can't run! I can't cry! And I can't be happy... It's too sick for you to know about how I feel this life..."

"It's so sick! When you want to sit together with your friends, but your friends leave you alone many times!"

"It's actually very happy when you and your boyfriend...sit together...talk about future...and  don't talk about broken things!"

"I don't want to be left, I don't want to be bullied, and I want to be missed..."

"My mom said that I may not cry loudly! It's very annoying. Disturbing my mom, and I said, I JUST WANT TO BE UNDERSTOOD!"
"I'm a fool girl, but I'll be more fool if I try stopping to love you...!"
"I wish, I forget about you...about what you did to me...about what you said to me...and about what I feel when I'm with you!"
"I know it's hard, it's to hard for us to be the same. If I could, I wanna say that I Love You!"
"I love you with all of your weakness, wanna give you something which can you remember till you die..." 
"The boy was always saying he loves his girlfriend, after he broke up with his ​​girlfriend, he said his ex-girlfriend dirty about it. A week later, he was going out and doing the same thing."
"Gue itu mau dimengerti, bukan dicaci maki! Look to yourself, so you can bully at me!"
"I love to be myself, be diligent, and no one can listen to me. They can just say wrong about me. Bullying me..."
"I'm so sorry if I can't be perfect!"
"Aku kangen, tapi diabaikan. Tapi jangan pernah lupa makan ya, aku takut kamu kenapa-napa."
"Yang di Canada, pliiis banget hati-hati ya. Aku takut kamu kenapa-napa. Aku takut kamu pergi. Aku takut kamu sakit!"
"I need some helps, I need some rehabs, I need to sleep! And you have made me...worst, tired, and sick!"

"Daddy can't tell me that he has much money to buy me a new BlackBerry. Please daddy! I need you to be my money-machine..." 
"Aku punya pacar, tapi ga pernah pacaran. Aku punya uang, tapi aku ga pernah bisa buat me-manage nya. Aku punya hati pun, aku ga bisa kasih ke orang lain selain kamu!"
"Katy Perry said that if we never meet again, please check out my twitter timeline! LOL!"
"Oh...Excel! I adore you... Hahaha! LOL, I can't stop thinking about him! But he never feels it."
"My boy is in Canada, and he hasn't texted me. I'm so bored to wait! I need him, I love him, I miss him so badly! Can I see him soon?"
"Everybody can smile without me, and I don't know why I can't smile without them. It's generally happen to me when the world together go far from me. So hurt!"
"#IUseToThink difficult questions in the test, when my friends can't do it by themselves! Dammit! It's too cool, I'm clever, and I'm over in the max hater! *speechless*" 
"My mom can't tell me how she becomes cool every day. She's always happy, fun, and actually remain beautiful! And I'll give her some regards."
"Kesakitan itu selalu menderu, seakan-akan ada mati rasa yang dirasa tubuhku. Tak ada hati di antara kalian. Pemberianmu sungguh sangat menyakitkan. Kepalsuan Cintamu!"
"Jika aku bisa terbang, aku akan selamanya terbang di angkasa dan tidak akan pernah ingin kembali ke bumi kalau hanya akan ada rasa sakit yang aku rasakan! Walau pelan, tapi itu sangat menyakitkan. Diberi harapan palsu."
"Bosen hidup! May I go to the heaven, God? With you, is the best thing which I can reach, ever!"

Rabu, 25 Januari 2012

"It's awkward thing if you ask something to someone, but he/she doesn't respect at you."
"Kata mamih, semua itu butuh proses. Kalo instan, pasti hasilnya ga bakalan bagus. Walaupun sebenernya gue pengen banget semuanya serba instan!"
"Gue bingung mesti ngomong apa, yang jelas sih Tuhan itu baik, ga pernah tidur, dan yang pasti...selalu menopang kehidupan setiap orang!"
"No one can tell me the truth! They are many liars! I hate them! Please take them into the hell!"